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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions to be evaluated can be sent in any format, Word, or PDF. If the article is accepted, it will be formatted according to the journal's template.
  • This contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not available for publishing in another journal; otherwise, it is necessary to be justified in the field COMMENTS FOR THE EDITOR.
  • The authors declare that according to the policies of Conflicts of Interests if the journal, the information in the manuscript does not lead to conflicts of interest. Otherwise, the authors must send a CONFLICTS OF INTEREST DECLARATION as an additional document.
  • Make sure that the Credit form has been completed and will be attached as a supplementary document.
  • The authorship data of all authors must be filled in in the process of submission. Press the button “include author”. The record of all of the authors of the manuscript is obligatory.
  • The ORCID ID of all authors was informed. The registering on the website is free, in the case of the authors not having an account, it can be obtained on this URL:
  • All the metadata must be filled out in ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE. To include them, after saving the information, Title, Abstract and Keywords, from the English submission, the author must click on "edit metadata" on the top of the page – alter the language to Portuguese and insert Título, Resumo and Palavras-chave, respectively.
  • The figures and tables must be inserted in the middle of the text and not at the end of the document as attachments. The figures, graphics, equations, algorithms, etc., must be of adequate quality. Only use a white background, and make sure that all figures have the same dimension, so they can all be reduced evenly (the maximum width is the size of a column (8.0 cm)).
  • All the Equations, Tables, and Figures are cited in the text, in the order that they appear, following the pattern below:
    EquationLowercase letters and numeration in parentheses.
    Example: equation (1)
    TableThe first letter is in capital and numeration without parentheses.
    Example: Table 1
    FigureThe first letter is in capital and numeration without parentheses.
    Example: Figure 1.

    If the figure has items such as a, b, ... use
    Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b), ...
  • On top of the tables and/ or figures, a title must be indicated, followed by its number of order of occurrence in Arabic algorism, a hyphen, and respective title.
  • We suggest the use of one of the following templates
            1. Microsoft Word
            2. LaTex
    The final editing is made by the team of the journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences, using the LaTex editor. To compile the LaTex we suggest the use of the LaTex online editor Overleaf. In case of problems with the template, you can request one via email:
  • Style guide: The journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences, from 2023 on utilizes the normative instructions from the American Psychological Association (APA Style) for articles. Check out the Booklet of the Central Library of UEL.
    Citation examples:
    Citation TypesParenthetical CitationNarrative CitationWith Page Indication
    One author(Souza, 2023)Souza (2023)(Souza, 2023, p. 20)
    Souza (2023, pp. 20-21)
    Two authors(Morris & D'Agostino, 2023)Morris e D'Agostino (2023)
    Three or more authors(Bolsover et al., 2023)Bolsover et al. (2023)
    Institutional authorsFirst citation
    (American Psychological Association [APA], 2023)
    Subsequent citations
    (APA, 2023)
    First citation
    American Psychological Association (APA, 2023)
    Subsequent citations
    APA (2023)

    Various documents from the same author, that were published in the same year. Example: (Eyre, 2023a, 2023b, 2023c).
    Citation from the same author with various publishing dates: It is according to the crescent
    chronological order. Example: According to Weise (2019, 2021, 2023).
    Citation of various Authors: In parentheses, they must be organized in alphabetical order. Example: (Bolsover et al., 2023; Eyre, 2023; Pepperberg & Funk, 2023).
    P.S.: All the notes of the authors must be included on the list of references, not on the footnotes.
  • Indicate the surnames and initials of a maximum of 20 authors, separating the second to last author with & before the name of the final author. In the case of 21 or more authors, include the name of the first 19 authors, insert an ellipsis, and insert the last author.
    Example 20 authors:
    Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., & Surname, N.
    21 or more authors:
    Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N.,
            Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., ... Surname, N.
    Article (include DOI if possible):
    Marchiori Visintin, R., Cardoso Ferreira, R. H., de Castro Martins dos Santos, V., & Francisco,
            C. A. (2022). Uma metodologia de projeto para amplificadores de áudio sem
            realimentação negativa global: Proposta e validação. Semina: Ciências Exatas E
            Tecnológicas, 43(2),
    SELF, D. (2009). Audio power amplifier design handbook (5 th ed.). Elsevier, 2009.
    LEITE, B. M. B. (2012, Setembro 3-6). Mezinhas Antigas e Modernas: a invenção da Triaga
            Brasílica pelos Jesuítas do Colégio da Bahia no Período Colonial. In Sociedade Brasileira
            de História da Ciência, Anais eletrônicos [Anais]. 13º Seminário Nacional de História da
            Ciência e da Tecnologia, São Paulo, Brasil.
    Dissertations and Thesis:
    Cremonez, P. S. G. (2020). Alterações morfo-fisiológicas em Euschistus heros Fabr.
            (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) tratados com concentração subletal de piriproxifem [Tese
            de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Londrina]. Biblioteca Digital.

Author Guidelines


The journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences from 2023 on adopted the system of taxonomy papers for CRediT contributors. CRediT is a taxonomy of 14 papers that describe the authorial contribution in the making of academic productions. Therefore, all manuscripts submitted to the journal must describe the participation of its authors through a CRediT Form. And attach it as a supplementary document.

Approved articles will have its authorial contributions published, independent of the contribution, all authors are equally responsible for the article.



The journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences, associated with Londrina’s State University (UEL), 2023 became a journal of an annual publication, which promotes Technology and Science. The journal publishes original articles and articles in revision in all SECTIONS of Technology.

The articles must be submitted in  English.

All articles must be proofread, and spell checked before the submission. The editors can request a language revision at any moment throughout the process of evaluation. When requested, the authors must show a certificate of revision emitted by a specialized company/ professional, attesting the formal revision of the English language and grammar.

The publications can happen in the form of original or revision articles, indicating the area to be submitted:

  • The original articles must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Figures, tables, diagrams, etc., must be in the text. The original articles must have a maximum of 15 (fifteen) pages.
  • The revision articles must communicate the progress in a specific area, with the objective to provide a critical report of the state of the art from the point of view of the professional highly qualified and experienced. The revision articles must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Figures, tables, diagrams, etc., must be in the text. The original articles must have a maximum of 20 (twenty) pages.



The authors must present their material with concise and clear writing which:

  • The Introduction section must identify the nature of the problem under investigation in relation to its antecedents, in a clear and summarized way, while utilizing relevant references. An introduction that consists of an extended literature review is not acceptable.

  • The section Material and Methods can precede or follow the section Results and Discussion, but they must be separated.

  • The Conclusions section, which summarizes the main conclusions of the work, must be presented immediately after the section Results and Discussion.

Several computational and theoretical articles use a routine procedure based on methods. In such cases, the particular variant must be named (this referred to key documents in which the method was developed), cite the computer program used and briefly indicate any modifications made by the author.

A proper acknowledgment of reproduction of figures, from other publications, must be provided on subtitles, the authors being the ones responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder for reproduction.

The editors of the journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences have the right to make small changes to the manuscript, if necessary, to make the article comply with the journal's guidelines or to improve the style without modifying the article's content. Whatsoever the nature of the manuscript, it must be original in terms of methodology, information, interpretation, and critique. The quality of the article can be attested by two revisors selected by the editors.



The manuscript must be submitted in electronic form and must be edited on Microsoft Word or LaTex, PREFERABLY in LATEX. For the LaTex users, we strongly recommend the LaTex template from Overleaf.

Acronyms and abbreviations must be clearly defined in their first occurrence in the text, the full term written first and followed by its abbreviation in parentheses, for example, Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Title: The title must be concise (not containing more than 100 characters), informative, and must not include a subtitle.

Author affiliations: For articles with or from various authors, make a list of the authors and in a footnote shortly inform their biography (not exceeding a line) and the technical interests of each author in the English language. For example Prof. Dr., Dpto of Mathematics, UEL, Londrina, Pr, Brazil. E-mail: Orcid ID:

Abstract: The abstract must be informative and not only indicate the general scope of the article but also the main results obtained, the utilized methods, the value of the work, and the conclusions drawn. Table numbers, figure numbers, references, or mathematical expressions should not be included. Not exceed 200 words. Once the abstract is finished, it is necessary a list of keywords related to a quick reference of the submitted article.

Figures and figures subtitle: The figures must be included in the text accompanied by a title and subtitles, following the order in which they appear. Furthermore, each figure must be explicitly referred on the text in numerical order, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2(a), Figure 2(b), and so on. The title of the figure must be on top of the figure, and the subtitles preferably should appear in a box on the figure itself, but they can also be described in the title. The subtitles of the figures must be as concise as possible.

A .zip or .tar file containing all the illustrations (pictures, graphs, figures) in .png format of high definition (minimum of 300 dpi) is also necessary for the final edit of the article. The individual files must be named in the order that they appear on the text, in other words, Fig_1.png, Fig_2.png, and so on. In the case of the material being copyright protected, the authors must obtain the rights from the owners of the authors, getting written permission that allows them to reproduce any illustration in which the rights do not belong to themselves. The source of the illustration must be written out and the words “Reproduced from…” must be included in the illustration.

Tables: Tables must be included in the text and accompanied by titles that explain the data presented. Each table must be explicitly referenced in the text in numerical order, for example, Table 1, Table 2. 

Algorithms: The algorithms can not be put in boxes and must be text.

Math and equations: When it comes to writing expressions that have symbols and mathematical equations, make sure to avoid confusion between characters that can be mistaken with one another, for example, the letter “l” and the number 1. If your article contains superscripts or subscripts, ensure that character placement is unambiguous. Make sure that the superscripts or subscripts are consistently used in the body of the text, in figures and tables. Exponential expressions must be written using superscript notation, which means, 5x103 and not 5E03. The symbols that represent vectors and matrices must be written in bold. The citation of equations must be in square brackets. For example: equation (1).

System of units:  The journal Semina: Exact and Technological Sciences adopts the International System of Units for physical parameters and units.


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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be exclusively used for the services destined for this publication, this information will not be available for other finalities or to third parties.
